

\ 態度與眼光 決定你是老闆或員工...

\ 態度與眼光 決定你是老闆或員工\ 程正/大學教授(新北市)#郭台銘 #鴻海\ \ 許多人說:「學歷不等於能力,態度決定高度」或「學歷不等於競爭力,學習力才是」,不正是對郭董說的嗎?\ \ 有些人批評郭董公司是血汗工廠,只因為他要求員工過於苛刻,問題是,他對待有功員工的獎賞也毫不吝嗇,何況他

並沒有讓任何員工簽下「賣身契約」,員工如果認為所得與付出不成正比,來去自如,不強求。\ \ 據說有鴻海工程師問郭董:「為何爆肝的是我,首富卻是你?」郭董霸氣回答:「第一、我創業鴻海時,是賭上全部家當,不成功便成仁,而你只是寄出幾十份履歷表後,選擇來鴻海上班,且隨時可以走人,我們之間的差別,在於創業與就業的思維不同;第二、我當初選擇從連接器切入市場,到最後跟Apple合作,是因為我眼光判斷正確,而你在哪個部門上班,是因為學歷和考試被分配的,我們之間的差別,在於選擇與被選擇的差異;第三、我廿四小時都在思考如何創造利潤,每一個決策都可能影響數萬個家庭生計與數十萬股民的權益,而你只是想什麼時候下班跟照顧好自己的家庭而已,我們之間的差別在:責任的輕重不同。」\ \ 可見成功與否在於態度與眼光,畢竟創業與就業、選擇與被選擇,以及願意承擔責任的輕重,之間的差別就決定你是老闆或員工,與學歷沒有關係;換言之,選擇比努力重要,選擇就是一種態度與眼光。現代許多年輕人之所以不會成功,就是只有就業想法,沒有創業思維,眼光短淺,急功近利,尤其只願意做朝九晚五又輕鬆的工作,不願意承擔責任。\

\ https://www.fac...

\ https://www.facebook.com/DCCordova/posts/10154492170677330\ \ Check out the beautiful Chinese Money & You® Song that has been created for the upcomin

g reunion that will be held in Taipei, Taiwan on Saturday July 22nd - Join us! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be_3KOMhHio\ \ The singers are the Chinese Money & You Instructors, including Willson Lin 林偉賢 and Robert Kuo, our partners from http://www.Doers.cn - Jason Zeck Lee - THANK YOU!\ \ Title: From Now On \ Lyrics: 郭騰尹\ Music: 江亦帆\ \ So many words to say, yet I don’t know where to start\ So many things I want to do, but people keep discouraging me, telling me to give up\ ‘Till I came here, the dark cloud in my heart dispersed\ Your stories are imprinted in my heart\ And I have realized what I have neglected in life\ \ From now on, I have decided to evolve...\ No longer running away... due to the awakening of Love and Responsibilities\ From now on, together my dream and I\ No more hesitation to leave behind great memories of life\ \ So many words to say, yet I don’t know where to start\ So many things I want to do but, people keep discouraging me, telling me to give up\ ‘Till I came here, the dark cloud in my heart dispersed\ Your stories are imprinted in my heart\ And I realized, what I have neglected in life\ \ From now on, I have decided to evolve...\ No longer running away... due to the awakening of Love and Responsibilities\ From now on, together my dream and I \ No more hesitation to leave behind great memories of life\ \ Life is like a play and this is a something to be cautious of\ There are rainy days in life but if you have the courage, there will be miracles\ From now on I have decided to embrace the truth\ No longer skeptical, but immersing into the embrace of the Ocean\ From now on, I have decided I will frequently return\ As my sisters and brothers are here\ You and I are here.\ \ Team, don't you just love it! Thank YOU for all you do / your love & support! Bobbi DePorter Wendy Tan Terence Tan Jacy Wee Michelle Yong Crystal Lim Ya Hui John Butler Cindy Lee Ryll Burgin-Doyle Craig Doyle Nicola Smith-Jackson Robert Jackson Kerry Zurier Dominique Lyone Andrew Barron Adelene Bek Douglas Stevenson Ng Genly Liang Sean Ricardo YiMing Prem Kaur Kitti Chang Alvin Wee Johnny Moreno Randolph Craft Cherie Clark Serge Gravelle Dwain Jeworski Tameka Vazquez Sabariah Jusoh Murshidah Said Kham Rich Piseth Ken Rich Malay Aristor Supardy Nazril Nash Idrus Yew Keat Lim Marzuki Mohammed Wan Adli Wan Hassan Rizal Shah Syireen Rose Hanif AzmiJean DeTraversay Reggie Hailey Eric J Mowrey Carol Dysart Vijaya Saraswathy Jane Jordan Stan Jordan Liana Di Stefano James Caldwell Diane McCann Jacqueline Seow Tamami Ushiki Jason WL Tan\ \ There are many more of you but FB has a limit of 50 links! You know who you are :-) \ \ #moneyandyou #excellerated #dccordova #wealth #accesstocash #globalbusinessschoolretreat #doers\

#財經BB飛咗去英國直擊呀\ 英國...

#財經BB飛咗去英國直擊呀\ 英國大選過後,嚟緊焦點應該係去咗下星期一正式展開嘅脫歐談判啦。英國到底會點脫歐?軟定硬?定唔軟唔硬呢?好緊張!\ 足本:http://bit.ly/2siK0Nw\ \ ===========================================\ #英國 #大

選 #保守黨 #工黨 #英鎊 #脫歐談判 #前路 #明報\ 緊貼 #財經BB班,快LIKE 明報財經 mpfinance

?榮耀回顧,相約2017?\ 第2...

?榮耀回顧,相約2017?\ 第21屆 #資服創新競賽 \ ?各家企業來挖寶\ #玉山銀行 #台達電子 #Yahoo奇摩 #華新麗華 #金財通 #Openfind #網銀國際 #經貿聯網 ~人才招募?\ ?國際團隊同場較勁\ #斯里蘭卡 #緬甸 #泰國 #印尼 #馬來西亞 #中國大陸 #新加坡 #澳門

~現場交流?\ ?️決賽現場給你滿滿大平台???\ 有評選、觀摩、採訪、交流、徵才等各項活動\ 2016決賽精彩回顧 http://pics.ee/v-1072115\ ??百家爭鳴英雄榜 今年換你來挑戰!\ ➡2017第22屆已經啟動啦!歡迎 #大專校院 #高中職 組隊報名參加 \ -------------------------------------------------------------------\ ⛳️作品醞釀期:即日起至106/10/02\ ⛳️報名日期:106/10/03~106/10/11下午六點截止\ ⛳️#競賽辦法 請上 #資服創新競賽官網下載:https://goo.gl/ZxfzCO

\ 【紡織產業-小兵轉動全世界】\...

\ 【紡織產業-小兵轉動全世界】\ \ 最貼心的男人 不織布年賺四十一億\ \ https://www.youtube.com/watch…\ \ #不織布 #康那香 #戴榮吉 #台灣向錢衝\

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叫妳不要喝這麼多吧。。。妳就不聽#酒女 #酒鬼 #lucky #中華田園犬

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我不是一條魚 卻想念被水包圍的感覺 放鬆的躺在水裏 有點涼有點軟綿綿 睜開眼睛 入目滿滿的藍色 以及

光灑入水中形成的波紋 或許我是一條魚 被光網攔在水裡 捨不得離開 #趨光性 #freedive #freediving #freediver #蘭嶼 #往前 #勇敢 #定下心 #穩 #平衡 #深呼吸 #breath #learning #moreandmore #happyeveryday #fish #人魚 #mermaid

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聽說這乖乖包裝是限量的 彰銀獨家 #彰銀乖乖 #乖乖 #彰銀 #職業觀光客Lisa

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ᵞᴬ #城堡 #富里農會#沙雕 #踏青#初二 #花蓮#富里 #funny#like#ya#life #


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Alone #dancerslife #許小艾 #millennium #class #tired

