

\ 蕭Nina開啟兩日進修課程??...

\ 蕭Nina開啟兩日進修課程??\ 9/19(2017秋冬流行趨勢)\ 9/20(燙髮造型攝影課程)\ Today Taipei course end,I going to taoyuan city☀️\ \ 農曆7月結束了!\ 快來剪掉頭髮讓運氣好一點?\ 預約請打02-2503-58

33\ 或24小時免費線上預約??\ https://hair-map.com/userpage/5262/booking\ #flux #john #taipei #taiwan\

\ https://www.fac...

\ https://www.facebook.com/DCCordova/posts/10154492170677330\ \ Check out the beautiful Chinese Money & You® Song that has been created for the upcomin

g reunion that will be held in Taipei, Taiwan on Saturday July 22nd - Join us! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be_3KOMhHio\ \ The singers are the Chinese Money & You Instructors, including Willson Lin 林偉賢 and Robert Kuo, our partners from http://www.Doers.cn - Jason Zeck Lee - THANK YOU!\ \ Title: From Now On \ Lyrics: 郭騰尹\ Music: 江亦帆\ \ So many words to say, yet I don’t know where to start\ So many things I want to do, but people keep discouraging me, telling me to give up\ ‘Till I came here, the dark cloud in my heart dispersed\ Your stories are imprinted in my heart\ And I have realized what I have neglected in life\ \ From now on, I have decided to evolve...\ No longer running away... due to the awakening of Love and Responsibilities\ From now on, together my dream and I\ No more hesitation to leave behind great memories of life\ \ So many words to say, yet I don’t know where to start\ So many things I want to do but, people keep discouraging me, telling me to give up\ ‘Till I came here, the dark cloud in my heart dispersed\ Your stories are imprinted in my heart\ And I realized, what I have neglected in life\ \ From now on, I have decided to evolve...\ No longer running away... due to the awakening of Love and Responsibilities\ From now on, together my dream and I \ No more hesitation to leave behind great memories of life\ \ Life is like a play and this is a something to be cautious of\ There are rainy days in life but if you have the courage, there will be miracles\ From now on I have decided to embrace the truth\ No longer skeptical, but immersing into the embrace of the Ocean\ From now on, I have decided I will frequently return\ As my sisters and brothers are here\ You and I are here.\ \ Team, don't you just love it! Thank YOU for all you do / your love & support! Bobbi DePorter Wendy Tan Terence Tan Jacy Wee Michelle Yong Crystal Lim Ya Hui John Butler Cindy Lee Ryll Burgin-Doyle Craig Doyle Nicola Smith-Jackson Robert Jackson Kerry Zurier Dominique Lyone Andrew Barron Adelene Bek Douglas Stevenson Ng Genly Liang Sean Ricardo YiMing Prem Kaur Kitti Chang Alvin Wee Johnny Moreno Randolph Craft Cherie Clark Serge Gravelle Dwain Jeworski Tameka Vazquez Sabariah Jusoh Murshidah Said Kham Rich Piseth Ken Rich Malay Aristor Supardy Nazril Nash Idrus Yew Keat Lim Marzuki Mohammed Wan Adli Wan Hassan Rizal Shah Syireen Rose Hanif AzmiJean DeTraversay Reggie Hailey Eric J Mowrey Carol Dysart Vijaya Saraswathy Jane Jordan Stan Jordan Liana Di Stefano James Caldwell Diane McCann Jacqueline Seow Tamami Ushiki Jason WL Tan\ \ There are many more of you but FB has a limit of 50 links! You know who you are :-) \ \ #moneyandyou #excellerated #dccordova #wealth #accesstocash #globalbusinessschoolretreat #doers\

\ 剩沒幾天了,報完稅好好享受端午...

\ 剩沒幾天了,報完稅好好享受端午連假吧!\ #所得稅 #國稅局 #報稅\

\ #企業主必學 #人資 #勞基法...

\ #企業主必學 #人資 #勞基法 #勞健保\ 創業初期有許多懵懵懂懂的問題,攸關員工權益的勞健保及勞基法相關規定,如:實習、試用期的規定,部分工時人員規定,勞健保及提撥退休金的規定等,都將影響著企業的營運\ !!!\ 本次課程邀請擁有法律經驗的專家為您解析勞健保及勞基法應注意的要點,讓身為企業

主的您學會如何避免勞資爭議問題的發生,千萬別錯過喔!!!\ 106年5月23日(週二)18:30~21:30\ 企業主必學~勞健保規定、勞基法規定\ http://www.careernet.org.tw/n/Class-10224.html\

【?2017做個有計畫的人?】\ ...

【?2017做個有計畫的人?】\ 每年年初小資女都會為自己訂下計劃,期許自己能一步步實現,2017你/妳想好目標了嗎?\ #做個有計畫的人 #李開復 #小資女升職記

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20172018✨ 最後一張‼️ 2017bestnine 兔兔P助大洗版 滿滿der卡納赫拉 201

8我們要來了嘍 #2017bestnine#回顧 #2017#跨年#2018#❤️ #兔兔#P助#卡娜赫拉 #カナヘイの小動物 #misterdonut#多拿滋 #熊貓#上野#香香#パンダ #中獎#發票#世界のフチ子 #フチ子#ol人形#杯緣子 #キタンクラブ#fuchiko #コップのフチ子#후치코

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SFMOMA Appreciate Art SFMOMASan Francisco Museum of

Modern Art 美國舊金山現代藝術博物館I should study Art College here. #sanfrancisco #instagram #instadaily #travel #travelblogger #travelblog #america #chinatown #goldengatebridge #transamericapyramid #christmastree #christmas #america #california #cali #californiaadventure #saintpeter #saintpeterandpaul #unionsquare #sanjose #sanjosecalifornia #siliconvalley #台灣 #冬至 #冬至快樂 #moma #museumofmodernart

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【奥入瀬渓流ホテル】日本 · 青森縣 絕美秋景盡收眼底 蘋果甜點襯著濃厚秋意與潺潺細流 / #幸福林檎

のミルフィーユ ¥1300 #森の神話 ¥1300 #湧水珈琲 ¥740 #りんご酢 ¥620 / 隸屬於星野集團的奧入瀨溪流飯店 一進入大廳馬上可以看到這個景色絕佳的下午茶區 進房間放下行李之後立刻跑來這裡佔據最美的視角 眼前一片秋意就已經美得足以讓人尖叫 接著上桌的甜點更是令人感到驚艷不已 . 「幸福林檎のミルフィーユ」 生蘋果與千層酥層層疊放 中間抹上香草餡 千層酥口感酥脆 還有灑上糖粒稍微烤過 搭上香甜的蘋果 視覺與味覺兼優 甜點師傅是以「讓人感到幸福」為理念來製作這份甜點 吃完真的覺得 好~幸~福~啊~~ . 「森の神話」 以岡本太郎的巨大暖爐為範本來製作 外層有薄薄一層抹茶粉 主要是rare cheese cake(口感類似半熟起司) 內餡還有蘋果醬與莓果醬 味道酸甜 外緣盤飾還有超好吃的莓果 我好喜歡☺️☺️ . 整體來說我很喜歡奥入瀬渓流ホテル 比起前篇介紹的青森屋更有放鬆度假的感覺 雖然這裡的紅葉楓葉都已經掉得差不多了 但樹木的枝條配上奧入瀨溪流的潺潺流水 還是很有秋季的淒美之感 / 地區分類#伊伊的日本餐桌 餐點分類#伊伊的甜點餐桌 / #伊伊日常記食 #日本 #青森 #星野集團 #奧入瀨溪流 #奥入瀬渓流ホテル #奥入瀬渓流 #抹茶 #りんご #林檎 #青森珈琲 #青森コーヒー #cafe

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2017.09.13 Good morning #goodmorning #daddy #daugh

ter #sage #usa #taiwan #half #familylife @sage_and_sanvi

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人家今天用本名來參賽✨✨✨ 甜心女孩 #甜心主播 #中時電子報
