

\ #shoes #donatio...

\ #shoes #donation #donations #step30 #step30舊鞋救命計畫 \ 去吧~他們比我更需要你們~???\

\ 【天佑台灣】\ Ibon就可...

\ 【天佑台灣】\ Ibon就可以捐款囉。\ 還可以的時候就盡ㄧ點心意。\ 施比受更有福的。\ 祈求更多奇蹟?\ 感謝所有國軍弟兄?\ 台南加油?\ \ 【救災捐款資訊】\ ➡️7-ELEVEN ibon便利生活站點選「台南震災(台南市政府)」捐款按鈕,即可現場繳費捐款。\ ➡️台南

市社會救助金專戶(帳號:009045065055 台灣銀行台南分行。匯款單上加註指定用途「0206震災」)\ ➡️民眾若有捐款或物資捐贈諮詢事宜,可撥打(06)2995805或(06)2991111轉8061,亦可傳真(06)2995759。\ \ #prayfortaiwan #prayfortaiwan #pray #donate #donation\

\ chrislee1111 Th...

\ chrislee1111 Thank you dear. Best way to remember Bear. #aspca #donation\ \ Credits: Chris Instagram\ \ -Admin\

\ ♥ himechar [Spe...

\ ♥ himechar [Special] ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 漸凍人冰桶挑戰 ♥ http://youtu.be/Qgt-YoMqZAk\ \ First, I'd like to state that I'm against 1) the challe

nge to donate structure, 2) the waste of water, and 3) ALS Association doing animal testing.\ Raising awareness through creativity and fun is good, but it's becoming more of a contest and joke at times. It's a horrible disease and shouldn't be portrayed as anything like fun. My own father is a cancer survivor, if I were to see the disease in the social media this way, I would be f*ing pissed. Do the ends justify the means? How many celebs recorded the video and donated without putting much thought? How many of you have been watching those viral videos, had a good laugh, but not donating to any charity?\ Therefore, I wouldn't be recording this video if I was not challenged by a fellow streamer friend. Hopefully you may get to understand ALS as a disease, like any other fundraising campaigns in need of public attention. I won't be naming anyone in particular, as I believe donations should NOT be a challenge or a hype. It's a selfless habit and one should take his own time to consider the causes that he cares most about. \ \ Here are more information on different causes that you could help out:\ \ ALS Association: http://alsa.pub30.convio.net/\ Animal Rescue Team Taiwan: http://www.savedogs.org/english/\ World Vision for children: http://www.worldvision.org/\ Charity: Water: http://www.charitywater.org/\ \ Sorry, I'm so serious.\ May we all have a little more love for each other in this big big world. <3\ \ 我中文可能表達不當,請包涵。首先,我是反對1)捐助是挑戰的形式、2)浪費水、3)漸凍人研究採動物實驗。這樣的創意與好玩引起社會大眾注意確實是達到了,可是它很多時候變得扭曲像競賽像玩笑。這個病症是殘酷的,一點都不該是這樣的媒體形象。試問有多少公眾人物錄了影片、捐了也沒認識它太多?有多少觀眾看了很多冰桶挑戰影片,笑了,卻沒有捐助任何慈善團體?為了達到目的,就可以不擇手段嗎?所以如果不是被友善的實況主點名,我不會錄這個影片。或許我的觀眾因此而認識這個病症,開始了解其他需要被關注的募款。我不會點名任何人,因為捐助該是自發的習慣,無須挑戰或流行。每一個人都有能力去捐助這個世界,多一點愛與關懷,花一點時間選擇你想要支持的目標。抱歉我太嚴肅~ <3\ \ ____________________________________\ #himechar #video #icebucketchallenge #IBC #ALS #water #donation #charity #animaltesting #animalrescue\

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是緣分吧 從開始工作後就期許自己 在每一年 都要找一個感興趣的非營利組織 不敢說深究 但是出點微薄的力

量 畢竟 這是我生活的世界 #greenpeace #donation #workhardplayhard

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高三學測一考上時 就想說來捐個血回饋社會 結果因為一個白癡烏龍而不能捐 看著最近的新聞 那些傷者都是跟

我們差不多年紀的年輕人們 從今以後卻又忍受莫大的痛苦 就想著 我能幫上什麼忙嗎 剛好昨晚看到急缺O型血的消息 就決定今早來捐血了 從來沒看過捐血車可以排隊排成這樣甚至有人願意在這種大熱天排候補 雖然網路上低級酸民很多 但這社會中有愛的人更多 儘管比起醫護人員 我的貢獻微乎其微 但正面能量的累積 相信就能讓這社會更溫暖一些 捐血其實不可怕 針插下去的當下還有機器運作時有一點點不舒服啦 但很快就習慣了哈哈 (壯如我還接著打羽球) 希望一切平安 #20150629 #instadaily #pray #for #taiwan #blood #donation (子祐幫我拍的照片都很像公主病等著被服侍)(活動部對不起放鳥你們哈人命關天不要生氣)

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奉獻熱血,以愛之名。 Blood donation for LOVE. #love #blood #d

onate #donation #Tainan #boy #brave #help #rescue #save

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#donation 籌建南迴醫院愛心公益潤唇蜜

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在臉書看到「#高媽媽狗園」即將斷糧的消息很心疼可憐的毛小孩 #donation #fundraisin

g #poordogs