Sunset taught me that beautiful thing only lasts fo
r a couple of moments. This view is literally same as this emoji #most #beautiful #sunset #sunsetlover #nevergetsickofsunsets #Ammoudi #ammoudibay #oia #port #Santorini #Greece #travel #travelgram #CandyinSantorini #20170614
pper的鳥,沒辦法去台南看“國父紀念館”讓她想要揍我一拳後,拿著熱騰騰的紅包,往銀行和ibon的路上要繳費,痛心的那一刻,看到外面太陽無限好,老爸說要一起騎腳踏車去看向日葵,厚~~記得上一次是我氣管嚴重發炎,氣喘復發,你說要去運動一下對氣管好。睽違三年多四年沒一起騎車了,就這樣騎著優拜客,沿著河濱,看看向日葵、看看河、看看夕陽,真的很久沒這樣了,很開心,謝謝老爸~下次媽咪姐姐也要一起!! #simple #life #most #difficult #sunny #day #family #dad
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most的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the biggest number or amount of; more than anything or anyone else: 2. used to f...